tHe SEcoNd TrY

That's the second try. How terrible it is!! But after painting I finally got there're some techniques or keys I'd learn, or I will never do well. Although practices are important, it cannot enable me to make great progress, I think. What does make me think as that? The affection, the most important thing that I believe good paint should be filled with. That is the reason I said it's a fail in prtrait. Indeed, the figure's emotion of the photo I imitated is much softer. I couldn't help to wonder what the arch-criminal of making two images so different is.
However, I can't disagree with the efforts I've made. At last I get a little confidence that I might have the advancement of coloring by practices. By the way, I like the lips. Posted by Picasa

PorTRaIt aTTemPt

This is my first try at portraits. The figure's outlines of the face is the part I most hate to draw again and again. Somehow I think it's okay for first try, although this work is quite different from the photo I imitated. Ha Ha Ha...... Posted by Picasa



Recently I've got a little depressed. It seems that I was tatally lost in my school works. There's no fun, no progrees, even my confidence. I almost messed up everything. I continually fall. There is a large whirlpool, dark and strong. I'm so in it.


ImagiNRy LoVE

What I'm familar to is what I wonder about. Recently
being silent is almost the only thing what I've done.
How are the passions all quenched
and gone?
There's just the last matter left behind,
the blue sky.
Is that an open-ended pursuit through the entire life, or
just an unnecessary game designed by those foolish guys?
Continually fell and fell and, now, really fell.
I couldn't help to wonder what enables the little boy to advance bravely. Posted by Picasa


I'M so shY

The first sight of her was about half a month ago in the building where I rented a room. That was absolutely a chance encounter with a foreign stranger. I was down the stair and she was right in opposition to me. All foolish smiles betrayed my suprise for never seeing a foreigner in where I've lived about 7 monthes. She raised her rays on me. After a quick face for a wonder, she slightly responded, but I could found her frendly. What a exciting occurence to me.
Last night I saw her again. She stood by a geyser. Maybe my footfalls attracted her and she looked back on me. I just beckoned to her without any words. I was disappointed with my silence. How could I say nothing in English? I've learnt it for almost 12 years!!
Next time I must say some words to her, but not "hello".


thE riGhT MEn

So many years have gone by
Always strong, tried not to cry
Never felt like I needed any man
To comfort me in life
But I'm all made up today
A veil upon my face
But no father stands beside me
To give his bride away
Well I'm standing in the chapel
Wearing my white dress
I have waited for this moment
With tears of happiness
Here I leave behind my past
By taking the chance
I've finally found the right man
Thoughts racing fast through my mind
As I'm gazing down the aisle
That my future will mend the memories
Torn between father and child
My emotions overload
'Cause there is no hand to hold
There's no shoulder here to lean on
I'm walking all on my own
Here I go
Now I'm standing at four corners
To have and to hold
Now my love, you stand beside me
To walk life's winding road
And I owe it all to you
For taking the chance
You've shown me there's a right man
'Cause I never knew a right man
Well I'm standing in the chapel
Ready to confess
That I've waited for this moment
With tears of happiness
Now I leave behind my past
By taking the chance
Well I'm standing at four corners
To have and to hold
Now my love, you stand beside me
To walk life's winding road
And I owe it all to you
For taking the chance
And one day my little girl
Will reach out her hand
She'll know I found the right man